“A hug can say much more than a

thousand words, because it eases

tension and brings people closer

together by making them feel like

equals who are sharing something.

Even a tube can perform and

metaphorically portray the act of

hugging. What’s more, hugging can

prove significant when it comes

to stability: it’s a lot harder to push

over two people who are hugging

because they become stronger

together. The same is true of two

hugging tubes.”

“Un abbraccio comunica molto

più di mille parole, perché risolve

tensioni, avvicina perché ci

fa sentire uguali, partecipi della

stessa cosa. Anche un tubo può

dimostrare e raccontare metafori­

camente l’abbraccio, e guarda

caso l’abbraccio si trasforma in

un significato statico: due persone

abbracciate, così come due tubi

abbracciati, sanno reggere molto

di più le spinte, diventano più


„Eine Umarmung sagt mehr als

viele Worte, weil sie Spannungen

löst, uns einander näherbringt und

uns das Gefühl gibt, gleich zu sein

und an derselben Sache teilzu­

nehmen. Sogar die Rohre können

eine Umarmung sinnbildlich dar­

stellen: Sie halten wie zwei Men­

schen, die einander umschlingen,

viel mehr Druck aus, sie werden


Giulio Iacchetti

12.19 Zinc yellow, 11.21 Melon yellow, 10.21 Flame red