The majority, around 55 %, of our products are transported in “flat-
pack”, an optimised packaging size through suitable modular cons-
This saves up to 500 % of the actual transport volume and thus valuable fos-
sil raw materials. In 2018, the share was still at 50 %. Since 2018, all new
products can be transported in "flat packs". Our goal is to continue to design
our furniture in such a way that it can be shipped in the smallest possible
packaging units.
Our furniture is packed resource-efficiently and individually to measure by
optimised machines. Furthermore, a change in the packaging materials we
use has taken place this year. The aim was to replace all primary raw mate-
rials with recycled materials or biodegradable alternatives.
The cardboard boxes used by ZEITRAUM are made in Germany and consist
of 60 % recycled paper. Furthermore, they are certified according to ISO
14001, ISO 9001, ISO 18001, and ISO 22000, in addition to the FSC certifica-
tion, and thus meet the highest requirements regarding environmental and
management systems.
Flatpack 2018
Flatpack 2021