the human evolution throughout the years
3,2 Millions of yeras ago: Lucy, the monkey woman discovered in Ethiopia, lives
2,1 Millions of years ago: the mankind appeares with the Homo Abilis. It has an omnivorous
diet and uses stone works to break the animals’ bones and eat the marrow
1,5 Millions of years ago: the Homo Herectus in Asia uses the fire and some wood, stone,
and bone instruments
500.000 years ago: the Neanderthal appears in Europe. 40.000 years ago they
were extingueshed
200.000 years ago: the Homo Sapiens appears in Africa
70.000 years ago: the mankind, anatomically modern, gets out from Africa and
travels to Asia and Australia. Approximately, 45.000 years ago, the mankind
arrives to Europe as well
33.000 years ago: first artists of the rupestrian art
7.000 years ago: the contsructive styles of both the MEGALITHS, such as Stonehenge in the
United Kingdom, and the DOLMEN, such as the famous Carnac Stones
5.500 years ago: the Stone Age ends and the Bronze Age begins. With the
beginning of this latter age, men start melting the metals
5.000 years ago: the first recognized writing
The most ancient work of the Modern World’s Seven Wonders, which are the
seven architectural works that ideally recall the ancient Canonical List of the III Century b.C.,
is dated back to the 312 b.C., 2.333 years ago
selection process of the Modern World’s Seven Wonders
during the XXVII Olympic Games, which occurred in Sydney in 2000, Bernard Werber, a
Swiss-Canadian participant, launched a world referendum via Internet to establish the
“New World’s Seven Wonders”. The first 77 works, in order of voting, were judged by seven
international experts. On January 1
, 2006, the seven experts revealed the 21 finalist works.
The official decision on the New World’s Seven Wonders took place in Lisbon on July 7
2007. This date was chosen because of the recursion of the number 7 (07/07/07). The
initiative was directed by the Swiss organization “New Open World Corporation”
(312 a.C.)
(215 a.C.)
(80 d.C.)
(600 d.C.)