1645x990x35 mm
made in italy
New square Mono
perC Cells
product warranty
positive tolerance
High resistance to
snow/wind loads
Linear warranty
X-COLOR monocristallino sono caratterizzati da vetro colorato tempe-
rato adatto per edifici ad integrazione architettonica e soluzioni BIPV.
Monocrystalline X-COLOR is a coloured tempered glass suitable for integration in buil-
dings and BIPV solutions.
Le verre monocristallin X-COLOR est un verre coloré trempé adapté à l'intégration dans les
bâtiments et aux solutions BIPV.
tensione Circuito Aperto
Open circuit voltage
tension en circuit ouvert
38.76 V
38.92 V
tensione a pmax
Voltage at Pmax
Tension à la puissance nominale
33.18 V
33.30 V
Corrente di corto circuito
Short-circuit current
Courant de court-cicuit
9.34 A
9.36 A
Corrente a pmax
Current at pmax
Intensitè à la puissance nominale
8.75 A
9.01 A
Efficienza modulo
Module Efficiency
Rendement surfacique
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