1645x990x35 mm
Cells 5 Busbar
made in italy
Ar Coating glass
product warranty
I+35 = standard
IBW+35 = black frame
IB + 35 = total black
Class 1 resistance to
positive tolerance
High resistance to
snow/wind loads
Linear warranty
X-MAX monocristallino sono caratterizzati da celle a 5 busbar e co-
struiti secondo le nuove tecnologie PERC ad altissima efficienza. Pro-
gettati e realizzati in italia, ogni singolo modulo viene sottoposto a
triplo controllo qualità e test di elettroluminescenza.
X-MAX monocrystalline are characterized by cells to 5 busbars and built according to the
new high efficiency PERC technology and are designed and manufactured in Italy. Each in-
dividual module of Sunerg undergoes a triple quality control and electroluminescence tests.
Les modules monocristallins X-MAX comportent des cellules à 5 barres et sont construits
selon la nouvelle technologie PERC à haut rendement. Ils sont conçus et fabriqués en Italie.
Chaque module Sunerg est soumis à un triple contrôle de qualité et à des tests d'électrol-
tensione Circuito Aperto
Open circuit voltage
tension en circuit ouvert
40.26 V
40.38 V
tensione a pmax
Voltage at Pmax
Tension à la puissance nominale
34.26 V
34.38 V
Corrente di corto circuito
Short-circuit current
Courant de court-cicuit
9.69 A
9.73 A
Corrente a pmax
Current at pmax
Intensitè à la puissance nominale
9.20 A
9.33 A
Efficienza modulo
Module Efficiency
Rendement surfacique
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