How does the whirl system work?

The sensuous pleasure of whirl bathing is actually derived from a really simple idea: jets in the back

and sides of the whirltub pump the water into the tub.

The strength of the air-water mix can be controlled precisely to allow it to be directed exactly to

where it is needed. Air jets in the base of the tub release bubbles of air up through the water. The

combination of these two types of jet provide you with the perfect whirling experience.

what temperature should the water in the whirl system be? How long should one stay in the tub?

The ideal water temperature is between 36 and 38 degrees. see which temperature suits you best.

stay in the whirltub or whirlpool for around 15 to 20 minutes. But remember that whirl bathing is

not something to be done in passing. enjoy the time to yourself and leave yourself a little more time

to relax after your session: read a book, snuggle up in something warm or go for a gentle stroll.

only you know what is best for you and your body.

best of all, the HoeSCH whirl system can be easily integrated into practically any HoeSCH

bathtub. transform your bathroom into your private wellness zone.