if you have heart or circulatory problems you should not take deep baths. the same

applies to a high temperature: to protect your circulatory system, do not take a bath

if you have a high temperature due to illness.

How hot should a bath be? How long should one stay in the bath?

a hot bath should be no hotter than 38 degrees and you should stay in for no longer

than 20 minutes. bathing for longer or at higher temperatures will weaken your

circulation. you will feel limp and tired. High temperatures are also bad for your skin,

they dry it out. if you are a fan of deep baths, a bath thermometer could be a good


when is the best time for a bath?

Generally, if you feel the need for a little down-time in the bath, you should treat

yourself to a nice deep one, regardless of the time of day. a bath is also a good idea

just before you go to bed: after bathing, your body is relaxed and pleasantly warm,

so a bath is the ideal sleeping aid.

what should one be careful of after bathing?

after bathing, you should get your circulation going again slowly. so don't get out

of the bath too quickly. if you have problems with your blood pressure, you can get

your circulation going by pouring cold water on your legs or feet. your skin will enjoy

some moisturising cream. immediately after your bath, don't plunge straight back

into your daily business but take some time to recover a little.