Our values

United Nation Global Compact

17 Sustainable

Development Goals



The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

of the United Nations were adopted on 25 Sep-

tember 2015 at the UN Summit on Sustainable

Development of Heads of State and Government

and since then have had a decisive influence on

international political and social decisions.3

The “Sustainable Development Goals”, as the

goals are also called, are principles for action of

the 2030 Agenda. This agenda is also referred

to as the “World Future Treaty” and essentially

pursues the following core objectives.

1. End poverty and hunger and fight


2. Strengthen people‘s self-determination,

ensure gender equality and a good and

healthy life for all.

3. Promote prosperity for all and make

lifestyles sustainable worldwide.

4. Respect the ecological limits of earth:

Combat climate change, preserve and

sustainably use natural livelihoods.

5. Build a global partnership.

These core messages give rise to the “17 goals”.

They cover all levels of sustainability and include

social and ecological as well as economic aspects.

At this point we would like to empha-

sise that these goals and principles

have been a lived, self-evident reality

for ZEITRAUM since its foundation 31

years ago.