“I imagine getting lost

in a space rich in materials

and shapes, where a pleasant

feeling of well-being

and comfort permeates.

A deeply meaningful

and embodied experience.

An uplifting encounter

that envelops you in beauty.”

Vincent Van Duysen


04 05

The new Molteni&C indoor

collection invites you into a

world of enduring sophistication,

inspired by the exquisite quality

and refined details found also in

the work of Milanese architect

Piero Portaluppi, as reimagined

by Vincent Van Duysen. A seamless blend of tradition

and modernity, bridging the past, present, and

future while infusing each creation with emotional

depth and functional innovation.

La nuova collezione Molteni&C

invita a esplorare un mondo di

ricercata qualità e raffinati dettagli,

così come accade nelle opere di Piero

Portaluppi, noto architetto milanese.

La vibrazione creativa di Vincent

Van Duysen si distingue per la

meravigliosa fusione tra tradizione

e modernità, per l’indiscutibile

collegamento tra passato, presente

e futuro, senza mai lasciare in

secondo piano l'esperienza emotiva

e l’innovazione funzionale intrinseca.