Design Giuseppe Bavuso





A door thought as an essential lacquered glass surface,

with a minimum thickness jamb. Equipped with

a bidirectional opening, Aura is available with a patented

magnetic closing profile or with a magnetic lock.

Both solutions take advantage of a basic physical principle,

deleting the need of mechanisms and always guaranteeing

light and silent movements.

In questa pagina e nelle

successive: porta Aura

struttura alluminio

e vetro laccato lucido

bianco latte. Dettaglio

della maniglia in metallo

pressofuso con inserto

in vetro laccato tempe-

rato in tinta al pannello.

On this page and the

next one: Aura door with

aluminium frame and

bianco latte glossy glass.

Detail of the die-cast

handle with its lacquered

glass insert in the same

colour of the door.

Auf dieser und der

naechste Seite: Tür Aura,

Aluminiumprofil mit

glanzlackiertem Glas in

Farbton Bianco Latte.

Türgriffe aus Metallguss

mit Glaseinsatz in der-

selben Farbe der Platte

im Detail.

Dans cette page et la sui-

vante: structure en

aluminium et verre laqué

brillant bianco latte.

Détail de la poignée en

pressofusion de metal

avec insert en verre laqué

tempré dans la même

couleur du panneau.

En esta y en la siguiente

página: estructura

aluminio y cristal lacado

brillante bianco latte.

Detalle de la manilla en

metal inyectado con

inserto en cristal lacado

templado al tono con

el panel.