In 1998, Maxa has offered to the market the first air-conditioning
system with Variable Refrigerant Volume. This new range of products
is mainly characterized by its high efficiency and energy saving.
Thus began a long history that goes on for over 14 years, subject to
continued success thanks to the careful search in order to achieve high
efficiency as well as the improvement of energy saving. From the first
manufacturing of R22’s appliance that can only connect 6 indoor units
and where the minimum ambient operating temperature is of -5°C,
today with the new R410A’s modular systems allowing you to connect
up to 64 indoor units, fans and inverter compressors and with outdoor
operating temperatures down to -15°C.
The success of this technology is major, while in 2005 some of its
benefits have been extended even to small commercial applications
such as the first production of Mini Marv system. This system is
designed using all the innovations included in the big machines that
are dedicated for applications of up to 6 rooms. However since 2008,
with the introduction of the series models of MARV3 has created new
scenarios, the challenge now is to find alternative systems for primary
heating of large buildings. The knowledge of these systems and the
long laboratory tests allow to offer to the market compact models
giving better performance, with outdoor operating temperature in
heating mode of -15°C, high efficiency compressors and a sophisticated
electronic heart make up the system to ensure high efficiency and
safety thermal performance in winter. From that moment the door is
opened towards the systems that do not fear the cold winter, we have
marked a new chapter in this way with the production of the system
MARV4. The first set out of MARV’s system allows intelligent automatic
adaptation and precise control. The high efficiency and energy saving
are always on the agenda.
Il MARV di quarta generazione,
la macchina è completamente
rinnovata; nuovo ventilatore, nuovo
profilo pale, compressori Inverter
ad altissima efficenza, motore
ventilatore DC brushless. I valori
di EER e COP sono stati spinti
rispettivamente fino a 4,29 e 4,39.
Viene presentato il sistema a 3 tubi
per una contemporanea funzione
in riscaldamento e raffrescamento.
Here is the fourth generation of
MARV systems, the appliance is
completely renewed; new fan, new
blade profile, high efficiency inverter
compressors, DC brushless fan
motor. The E.E.R. and C.O.P. values
have been improved up to 4.29 and
4.39 respectively. We report a 3-pipe
system with simultaneous heating
and cooling operation.
La serie MARV5 offre un ampio
range di unità esterne con
ventilatori ad alta prevalenza. I
modelli 8 e 10 HP hanno un unico
compressore inverter a differenza
dei modelli da 12 e 16HP che
utilizzano più compressori dei
quali uno sempre inverter al
fine di massimizzare l’efficienza
energetica. La serie ha aumentato
la sua flessibilità d’installazione
maggiorando i limiti imposti per le
distanze: 1000 m totali di tubazioni,
110 m di dislivello massimo al fine
di aumentare le possibilità di servire
edifici di maggiori dimensioni.
numerous outstanding features,
including large-capacity outdoor
and indoor units and high external
static pressure. The 8HP and 10HP
units use only one DC Inverter
Compressor, 12HP to 16HP units
feature higher capacity DC inverter
compressors, and adopt energy-
saving technologies. This series
provides an incredible piping length
of 1,000m and a level difference of
110m, making it perfect for large
high-rise buildings.
La serie MARV6 è stata adattata
alle nuove esigenze progettuali e
di efficienza energetica. Le unità
hanno beneficiato di un aumento
generalizzato del COP. Nelle
versioni a 2 compressori, entrambi
i compressori sono gestiti tramite
compliant to the latest energy
efficiency and design rules.
The COP is improved on all the range
and double compressors version
are now equipped with inverter
control on both compressors
L’introduzione della nuovissima
gamma di unità esterne a flusso
di refrigerante variabile MARV7i
permette di realizzare sistemi di
potenza elevata (fino a 76,7kW
in freddo) senza la necessità di
usare più di una unità esterne. Tale
possibilità permette una riduzione
dei costi e numerosi vantaggi
MARV7i outdoor units range is now
available for being able to build very
high capacity systems (up to 73kW
in cooling capacity) with only one
outdoor unit. This feature allows for
reaching lower installation cost and
some installation advantages due
to the lesser surface occupied and
simpler refrigerant piping.
MARV 2022