hoTeL WaLdorF ★★★★★

ravenna, italy


Hotel Waldorf

inTerior deSiGn

Design Studio Architettura

Arch. Francesca Valzania

Arch. Denis Salsi


Fabrizio Gini

hoTeL chain

Premier Hotels

no. oF rooMS

26 rooms

6 junior suites

3 suites

Year oF conSTrucTion



Via VII Traversa Mare, 17

Milano Marittima (RA), Italy


Teuco producT

Seaside bathtub

Il perfetto equilibrio tra accoglienza e lusso rendono l’Hotel Waldorf di Milano

Marittima una delle mete più esclusive della capitale estiva del jet set. L’Hotel

offre servizi su misura dedicati a clienti dinamici ed esigenti e stupisce per la sua

atmosfera calda e avvolgente, che regala la piacevole sensazione di sentirsi a casa

pur essendo altrove.

The perfect balance between comfortable accommodation and luxurious fittings

make Hotel Waldorf in Milano Marittima one of the most exclusive hotspots in the

summer capital of jet setters. The Hotel offers bespoke services, for dynamic and

demanding guests, and it has an astonishing innate ability to welcome everyone into

its warm atmosphere, granting them the luxury of feeling completely at home yet at

the same time being pleasantly elsewhere.

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