System description

Leak monitoring for double-walled piping

Installing the outer pipe casing

Routing crossing the motorway below

Positive pressure leak detectors in


Use case

Safe monitoring of the piping in a fuel depot

The rebuilding of the Horny Hricov Terminal has been under

discussion since 1997, when the first studies on re-routing the

piping from the upper to the lower plant of SLOVNAFT were

carried out. The lower SLOVNAFT plant in the Horny Hricov

Terminal served as a distribution centre for petrol stations

in Central and Eastern Slovakia, while the upper plant was

used as the state material reserve. Following a number of

changes in the SLOVNAFT refinery, the Horny Hricov Terminal

was re-evaluated as the storage facility of the state material

reserves of the Slovak Republic. The necessity to re-route the

piping between the two plants resulted from the extension of

the motorway from Bratislava in the West to Kosice in the East.

This motorway ran over the piping connecting the two plants.

In order not to hinder operations it was necessary to re-route

protective housings

the piping so that the motorway routing would not have to be

taken into consideration in the event of reconstruction work

being needed.

The project consists of 13 lines of BRUGG-STAMANT®

double-walled safety piping laid below the surface. BRUGG

Rohrsysteme GmbH supplied 4,446 m of double-walled piping

and 1,611 m of single-walled piping, with dimensions ranging

from DN 80 to DN 300. Transport media are petrol, crude oil

and gas. DLR-G 8 S positive pressure leak detectors are used.

The piping is in service trouble-free since the installation in 2007.

Miroslav Tomsik



Further 811 m of BRUGG-STAMANT®

safety piping delivered

“We got the contract for the SLOVNAFT

project because of already existing

know-how and it was an important ref-

erence in the Slovak Republic. Thanks to

this reference our companies delivered

a further 811 m of BRUGG-STAMANT®

safety piping in th following years for

the project “Port on the Danube” in


With the need for retrofitting equipment,

two more projects are expected on top

of this within the next three years.”


Subject to technical changes. Page 6