Human being has been the artificier of mar-

vellous works which have challenged centuries

and millenniums.

The art has been the sublime spirit which has

consented to the human being to create all

these works on which one has written the hi-


From time immemorial, stone, has offered it

self to the realization of these marvellous wor-

ks and it has become the art’s means to mark

the ages; it has expressed it self in mosaic to

reach us accrossing the greek and roman glo-

ries and byzantine fasti.

Great and petty mosaic scenes have helped

us to go up again to techniques and materials

that Lithos proposes today with a new sap for

the most modern architectural applications.

Lithos has been able to pick up this precious

inheritance, it has become interpreter of this

singular form of art, reaching the taste of a

great pubblic and favoring the different custo-

mer’s needs.

A Lithos mosaic fits harmoniously into the en-

vironment that welcomes it, thanks to its po-

lished and ancient finishes and thanks to its

original and refined colours.

In every Lithos mosaic the scrupulous and

handicraft working links it self to the most evol-

ved techniques producing works with a perso-

nality and a soul which characterize every kind

of enviroment where located.

Skilled hands process the little stone wedges

into perfect and complex forms and for every

glance givent to, they will be able to provoke

emotions, for ever preserved.