Temples of



pa. A short way of defining an overall idea of well-being that

revolver around water - and not only that - and generates

infinite chances for the armony of body and mind. The number

of new architectures for the well-being, as it happens in this recent Kiev

example, shows an evolution in behaviour and consumption models.

Which go beyond their traditional therapeutic character. New spas are

therefore resorts devoted to the overall longer separates health and well-

being, that is, reaching a condition of perfect psychic and phisycal

balance, which passes through the harmony between mind, body and

surrounding environment. Architects interpret the place where physical

and inner nature must find the right dimension through different ways,

suggestions and languages. However, in the architecture of spas, there is

only one big “raw material” at the base of the project: the sensory

stimulation. And in this mood, Sicis and its mosaics have realized, even in

this “little Kiev paradise”, surfaces with emotional qualities that achieve

to donate both pure physical bliss and inner peace of mind.