Verify that the installation is performed according to the particular law in force and according to the valid technical rules; Verify

that the data indicated on the regulator’s type plate, answer to the required terms from the instruments of combustion connected;

Verify that regulator is installed according to the indications of this data sheet, and particularly: Verify the presence of an inlet

and outlet stop valve; Verify the presence of a specific gas filter with suitable flow rate; Verify the correct assemblage position of


To respect the direction of the flow as pointed out by the arrow on the governor.

For a correct assembly follow the mechanical diagram A. For any exhaust and/or vent pipes, remove the vent cap 1/4” or 1/2”

(4) on the cover, using the union provided, connect 1/2” pipe, being careful to locate the outlet in a safe place


The possible varying of the setting is indicated in the plate.

For increasing or decreasing, please unscrew the cap (1),

turning clockwise the spring compressor (2) increase the

pressure and counterclockwise to decrease it. When the

adjustment is finished, secure cap (1) and seal it if necessary.

2 Spring compressor

3 Spring

4 Nickel-plated

safety cap


Upper cap