About us

Our group began operating in 1949 in Northern Italy and has grown to become a world-leading producer of very high-quality

gas products and systems.

Our Group has a long history of developing gas products and systems that solve real customer challenges and invent new ways of

working. Our rapid response R&D infrastructure and collaboration with university partners allows us to create applied innovations.

Production process is entirely carried out in three buildings in Italy. Manufacturing process, provided by the most advanced

techniques, equipment, tools and machines.

We are an ever-evolving company offering the newest solutions and always renewing its passion. Behind each product, an

accurate work of research, projecting, manufacturing and testing is guaranteed by means of special technologically advanced

tools, in order to offer new satisfying solutions to our customers.

We strongly believe in the importance of high quality standards and control and this allows us to reach the ability to provide

our customers with high levels of service and lead time.

Our group operations are conducted through six business divisions:

- Gas TraIn EquIpmEnT

- Gas DETEcTIon EquIpmEnT

- combusTIon analysEr anD mEasurEmEnT InsTrumEnTs for Gas anD HVac applIcaTIons

- THErmorEGulaTIon componEnTs

- cylInDEr ValVEs for InDusTrIal GasEs

- ValVEs for fIrE ExTInGuIsHErs anD ValVEs & EquIpmEnT for fIxED supprEssIon sysTEms

Now, thanks to our experience, dedication to quality and technical excellence, gas companies, OEM partners, distributors and

installers are confident their projects will achieve the highest level of safety and performance. Present in over 91 countries,

our customers count on us to deliver the products and services they need wherever they are.

One more time we stand out as a dynamic, future-oriented company, which is able to combine its family traditions with its

open-minded attitude, resulting in new market opportunities and innovative answers to the markets' demands.