Tutti i prodotti “Valmori Ceramica Design Srl” sono da considerarsi di altissima qualità; per poterli posare al meglio e senza incorrere
pericoli di risalita di umidità.
ATTENZIONE: non si accettano contestazioni postume per il materiale già posato.
Questi prodotti possono essere posati sia secondo il metodo tradizionale (malta cementizia) sia con collanti; anche se noi
occorrono operazioni particolari se non l’uso di acqua e di detergenti neutri.
All “Valmori Ceramica Design Srl” products are to be considered high quality products; to lay them with the best result, without any
is solid, dry, and free from dust, fats and waxes. We further recommend to be sure that the surface does not present indications of
ATTENTION: claims for layed material will not be accepted.
to assure a better grip of the tile to the surface. We recommend grouting the joints only some time after laying to allow a perfect
grip of the tiles to the surface. Recommended joint: at least 2 mm (for the "Cotton" line) and 4 mm (for the lines " Le Crete Classic",
"Cementine" and "Konzept"). It's forbidden to lay our tiles without joints (and generally with joints thinner than recommended) and we
do not assume any responsibility for doing so. After laying it is not enough to clean the tiled surface with mere water and it is absolutely
ordinary maintenance no special procedures are required, just use water and neutral detergents.