Autore: biografia sintetica e opere | Author: brief biography and main works

Franco Guerzoni

Franco Guerzoni (Modena, 1948), artist, has focused since the early Seventies

on producing works that recount a personal exploration of the world of archaeology,

concentrating in particular on the stratifications of culture and the ideal of the

“antique” as loss and absence. He adopts precise systems for representing images,

also using photography, while continually referencing the work of his contemporaries

(including Vaccari, Parmiggiani and Ghirri). In the Eighties he produced large paper

wall hangings investigating the idea of an imaginary geography (Carte di viaggio,

Grotteschi and La parete dimenticata), while in 1990 he presented his Decorazioni e

rovine project in a personal exhibition at the Biennale in Venice. Since the Nineties, he

has produced large cycles of works which continue his investigation of time and the

poetics of ruins, with an interpretative approach that creates a kind of “archaeology

with no restoration”. Since 2006 he has transferred his painting to walls themselves,

nourishing the idea of a form of “mural” painting that pursues the relationship with

space, architecture and time, using pigment as a tool for revelation, discovery and

the expression of memory, a strong presence that emerges almost lyrically from the

white surface.

Carta di viaggio


Tecnica mista

su carta

Combination of

techniques on paper

47 x 62 cm

Museo ideale


Tecnica mista su carta,

scagliola e filo di rame

Combination of

techniques on board,

and scagliola plasters

and copper wire

134 x 94 cm

32 | 33