
lampada snodabile con due prese USB /

adjustable lamp with two USB sockets

Jack versione 1 con due prese USB /

Jack version 1 with two USB sockets

Jack versione 3 con due prese USB e ricarica

wireless sottopiano / Jack version 3

with two USB sockets and undermounted

wireless charging

lampada LED con sensore ad aggancio

magnetico e a batterie ricaricabili / magnetic

LED light with sensor and rechargeable batteries

Jack versione 2 con due prese USB e casse

acustiche Bluetooth / Jack version 2 with

two USB sockets and Bluetooth speakers

ricarica wireless sottopiano /

undermounted wireless charging

Smartphone e tablet sempre

carichi, musica bluetooth,

luci che illuminano lo scrittoio,

l’interno dell’armadio o il letto:

gli elementi multimediali

rendono più semplici le tue

attività quotidiane.

Smartphones and tablets

always charged and ready

to go, music over Bluetooth,

LEDs lighting up the desk,

wardrobe interior or bed:

multimedia devices make

everyday life that much easier.

Jack versione 4 con due prese USB, casse

acustiche Bluetooth e ricarica wireless

sottopiano / Jack version 4 with two

USB sockets, Bluetooth speakers

and undermounted wireless charging


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