_Bologna la città, i cui primi insediamenti risalirebbero

almeno al I millennio a.C., fu un importante centro urbano

dapprima sotto gli Etruschi e i Celti, poi sotto i Romani poi

ancora, nel Medioevo, come libero comune. Svolse un ruolo

fondamentale durante il Risorgimento e durante la seconda

guerra mondiale, fu un importante centro della Resistenza.

_The city of Bologna, where settlements are supposed to have

been established at least as far back as the 1st millennium

B.C., was an important urban centre, firstly under the

Etruscans and the Celts, then under the Romans and later

on, when it became a free commune, in the Middle Ages. It

played an important role during the Renaissance and was a

significant hub of the Resistance Movement.

_La ville de Bologne, où les premiers établissements humains

remonteraient au moins au Ier millénaire av.-J.C., fut un

important centre urbain d’abord sous les Étrusques et les

Celtes, puis sous les Romains alors qu’au Moyen-Âge, elle

devint une commune libre. Elle joua un rôle fondamental

durant le Risorgimento et, lors de la seconde guerre mondiale,

elle fut un important centre de la Résistance.


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