H seat 40,5 cm
Orsola (Armchair), structure
T23 Polished Chrome
W 90 D 99 H 70,5 cm
Cage (Low Table), top
T152 Colza Yellow,
base T157 Colza Yellow
↪ Accessories:
E63 (Lamp) designed by
Umberto Riva, Nello Spazio (Rug)
designed by Umberto Riva
Roundness and comfort. Tradition and innovation. These are the
keywords of Orsola, designed in 1970 by Gastone Rinaldi. The new edition
stays true to its original spirit but features a latest-generation covering,
supported by the rounded chrome metal frame, that gives it an even
softer and more inviting look. The sofa and armchairs are handcrafted by
master upholsterers just like they were fifty years ago — using revisited
and up-to-date techniques.
Rundheit und Komfort. Tradition und Innovation. Das sind die
Schlagworte für Orsola, einem Projekt von Gastone Rinaldi aus dem Jahr
1970, der heute unter Beibehaltung des ursprünglichen Geistes neu
aufgelegt wurde, jedoch mit einer Polsterung der neuesten Generation.
Unterstützt durch das abgerundete verchromte Metallgestell, verleiht
sie ein noch weicheres und entspannteres Aussehen. Der Bezug des Sofas
und der Sessel wird wie vor fünfzig Jahren von Polstermeistern in
Handarbeit hergestellt, jedoch in zeitgemäßem Stil neu interpretiert.
Rondeur et confort. Tradition et innovation. Tels sont les maitres-
mots d’Orsola, un projet de 1970 signé Gastone Rinaldi, relancé au-
jourd’hui dans le respect de son esprit d’origine mais avec un rembourrage
de dernière génération qui, soutenu par la structure arrondie en métal
chromé, lui donne un aspect encore plus moelleux et relaxant. Réalisée
à la main par des maitres tapissiers, comme il y a cinquante ans, la confec-
tion du canapé et des fauteuils est néanmoins revisitée selon un style
Gastone Rinaldi
Gastone Rinaldi was born in Padua on 16 November
1920. In 1916 his father Mario had established RIMA,
a company for the production of metal furniture.
Gastone enrolled in the Faculty of Economics, but he
was passionate about design and sport. In 1948,
together with his brother Giorgio, he took over from his
father in managing the business. He met Gio Ponti
and in 1950 he designed the chairs for the Hospital
Section of the IX Milan Triennial. At the same Triennial,
the DU9 chair was also presented. Domus published
his creations regularly. In 1952, he attended the XXX
Milano Fair in the section curated by Alberto Rosselli,
Ettore Sottsass and Marco Zanuso. The armchairs
for the Piccolo theatre of Milan followed, with Zanuso.
In 1954, he won the Compasso d’Oro for the chair DU30.
He participated with Ponti, Parisi, De Carli and Gardella
in the American adventure of Altamira, one of the first
companies across the ocean to call Italian designers.
He therefore worked with Carlo Mollino on the chairs
for the Molinette Hospital of Turin. In 1957, the armchair
DU41 won the silver medal at the XI Triennial. However
the internal relations within RIMA became complex
and in 1974 Rinaldi established Thema. In 1978, he
obtained a nomination for the Compasso d’Oro for the
armchair Arianna and in 1981 another for the folding
chair Dafne. Thema closed in 1989, Gastone Rinaldi
died in Padua on 02 March 2006.
Technical information
Sofa ↪ p.468
Armchair, Ottoman ↪ p.468